Haysville Community Library
Haysville, Kansas
In Loving Memory of Libby
Libby Libra died on April 30, 2004. She had been a beloved member of the library staff for over 20 years. As a kitten, she was found injured and abandoned outside the library. The staff adopted her and nursed her back to health. In no time at all, Libby earned her LMS degree (Library Mouser Supreme) and rid the old library building of mice. Libby had “cattitude” and she was a survivor. Over the years, the beautiful, fluffy grey cat survived being run over, a kidnapping, a horrific hailstorm, 10 days locked in an abandoned wing of the old library, and the May 1999 tornado, which tore the roof off of the building. Since the tornado, Libby had developed a fear of thunderstorms. She could sense a coming storm and would seek a place to hide, often huddling in a staff members’ desk cupboard, and on more than one occasion, beneath the Library Directors’ office rug. The Library was Libby’s only home. She belonged to the community. She acted as official greeter, and charmed many patrons with her antics as a kitten. In recent years, Libby was not as playful. However, her mischievous streak would show itself from time to time as she walked across keyboards, nibbled from staff members plates (Libby had a fondness for banana bread), or sipped from their cups. Libby could often be found napping in a sunny window or curled on her favorite chair. She was loved by nearly everyone and had fans across the globe and occasionally she even received mail. She has appeared on television, in newspapers, and in a recently published book,“The Kingdom of the Cat,” by British author Roni Jay. And Libby can always be visited here on this page. There were many occasions when people would come to the library specifically to see her. Libby had even given out a few autographs. Libby Libra was quite a character and will be greatly missed. The Haysville Community Library is accepting donations to defray the cost of a memorial to Libby. We would like to thank the veterinary office of Dr. Wingert for their loving care of Libby.